Advanced Search
Note that items may not have information filled in for every field and, as a result, may not be found in queries that look for values in such fields.
-1)){ alert("Search words input is invalid. Please make changes and resubmit your search."); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.priceMin.value) == 0 ) { alert('Min item priced field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.priceMin.focus(); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.priceMax.value) == 0 ) { alert('Max item priced field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.priceMax.focus(); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.FmvMin.value) == 0 ) { alert('Min items with FMV field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.FmvMin.focus(); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.FmvMax.value) == 0 ) { alert('Max items with FMV field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.FmvMax.focus(); return false; }; return true; }; function goToPage(iPage){ displayPage2.stN.value = iPage; displayPage2.submit(); }; function showFlexCatFields(iCat){ document.searchForm.action = 'advancedSearch.cfm'; document.searchForm.submit(); }; function setDaysOfMonth(monFldName, onMonth){ var x = document.getElementById(monFldName); var x_length = x.options.length; while(x.options[1]){ x.options[1] = null; }; var z = new Date(2020, onMonth.value, 0).getDate(); for(var j=1;j<=z;j++){ var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = j; option.value = j; x.add(option); }; }; function showLoadMoreItems(pNum){ document.getElementById('stN').value = pNum; document.getElementById('displayPage2').submit(); }; //-->
Note that items may not have information filled in for every field and, as a result, may not be found in queries that look for values in such fields.
View new and used equipment that is surplus and available for redeployment.
Do you have surplus equipment that needs to be sent to asset recovery?
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